Sunday, December 14, 2008

Light Lunch

I have been making lunch for myself and my husband to take to work with us for as long as I can remember. (My mother had me making my own school lunches in first grade, and I've kept it up ever since.)

We each have a canvas lunch bag, and I fill Glad-Ware and Zip-Lock reusable containers with our sandwiches, veggies, and snacks. I'll admit it, my original intent was to save money, but I recently thought about how many plastic bags I've been saving while doing this as well. Let's say I make lunch for the two of us 4 times a week. Each lunch would normally require about 3 plastic sandwich bags (sandwich, veggies, snack). That's 6 plastic sandwich bags a day between the two of us. Times that by 4 days a week, and that's 24 plastic sandwich bags we're not using. (Not to mention all the to-go containers and wrappers.)

I also have my own silverware, glass, and mug at work that I can simply wash after each use.

The best part is that my lunches have inspired other people (at my office and my husband's) to start packing their own! Home-made lunches are healthier, more economical, and help save the environment... what's not to like?

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